Do you want to know more about Janus Life Sciences in Russia and internationally? Read our news.
Do you want to know more about Janus Life Sciences in Russia and internationally? Read our news.
On July 17, 2020, CSA Research, an independent research agency, published rankings of the largest language service providers in the world and specific regions, referencing the results achieved by Janus Worldwide. The CSA Research report is based on an extensive survey of language service providers using accurate, proprietary methodology applied by the agency since 2010, as well […]
What are the communication goals of your company? Do you have specific objectives in mind? At Janus, our goal is to ensure that your company’s communication goals are met with accuracy, returned on budget and delivered quickly to meet strict deadlines. We provide comprehensive life sciences translation services to Medical Devices, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical companies, […]
Janus Worldwide has successfully implemented three ISO standards in its Quality Management System (QMS): ISO 9001 (Quality management systems – Requirements), which contains requirements to a comprehensive QMS; ISO 17100 (Translation services – Requirements for translation services), which specifies requirements to translation services, and ISO 13611 (Interpreting – Guidelines for community interpreting), which sets interpreting guidelines. This year, Janus Worldwide has passed two […]
On March 3, 2020, CSA Nimdzi released its Top 100 ranking of the largest language services providers worldwide. This year Janus WW moved up to 54th position in the ranking, with profits of USD 25.4 million, having reached number 55 the previous year following a record jump from 62nd position in 2018. Steadily, but surely […]
We are proud to be showcasing our new IT solution at tekom Fair 19, the largest technical communication fair in the world, which will be held from November 12 to 14, 2019 at Messe Stuttgart in Germany.
Continuing on its path of all-around self-improvement, Janus Worldwide is announcing an expansion of its service portfolio. We are pleased to present our newest solution, Janus ConfCall, which opens up brand-new opportunities to communicate without barriers due to language, locale, time, technology, or anything else.
2004 — 2020 Janus Life Sciences. Medical translation services. All rights reserved.