Do you want to know more about Janus Life Sciences in Russia and internationally? Read our news.
Do you want to know more about Janus Life Sciences in Russia and internationally? Read our news.
On May 16, 2019, CSA Research released its ranking of the top 100 language services providers worldwide by size, and listed the 40 largest providers in the translation and interpreting industry in Western Europe. Vienna, Austria, May 21: Janus Worldwide today announced that it had been ranked eighth in the list of the top 40 […]
The shift toward digital globalization means that companies can reach international markets with less capital-intensive business models and manage their worldwide operations in leaner, more efficient ways. What opportunities and risks does the “era of digitalization” present for the LSP industry today? Trends, strategies and market analytics were discussed by LSP industry experts at a recent event in Boston.
Janus Worldwide is the largest LSP in Russia according to the 2019 Rating compiled by the Translation Rating research agency. As part of the rating, Janus accumulated points based on profits in 2018. Janus Worldwide is number one with $23.6 million USD profit, which equals 1.4795 billion RUB. In Russian rubles, profits have increased by 21.7%, with 70% of it comprised of export earnings.
Witness audits are conducted annually in order to determine whether a quality management system meets auditing requirements, as well as the appropriate legal, institutional, and contractual requirements, and to evaluate the system’s performance in terms of consistent accomplishment of set goals.
Janus Worldwide was recently included in the Top 50 Slator 2019 Language Service Provider Index (LSPI). Companies were rated based on revenues and market activities in 2017–2018. Janus Worldwide came 31st, posting 18.4% growth and revenue of $23.6 million in 2018 and $19.9 million in 2017.
The auditing of a company’s proprietary pharmaceutical production facilities, as well as partner facilities that manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished pharmaceutical products, for compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP) is one of the most pressing issues facing the pharmaceutical industry today. For the past several years, it is an issue that has also kept […]
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