Janus Life Sciences is the linguistic partner of the PHARMAPACK 2021 Forum
Janus Life Sciences will be the linguistic partner at PHARMAPACK 2021, the 10th International Forum of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Suppliers, which will take place on April 26–28, 2021 at Expocentre Moscow.
The event will take place in the currently popular hybrid format (online and offline), and it promises to be rich in content: the first day will be dedicated to industry trends, the second to the adaptation of production to regulatory and market requirements, and the third to HR policy, including approaches to training and motivating employees. Among the topics to be addressed during the event are “The new ‘rules of the game’ in the rapidly developing e-commerce environment,” “Optimum approaches to quality assurance and control in the production of LP-2021,” and “HR at pharmaceutical companies in an environment of staff shortages.” The event program offers extensive opportunities for effective networking.
Janus Life Sciences provides a wide range of linguistic and related services to the medical and pharmaceutical industry and is pleased to support the main event in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and supplier community, which will be attended by over 2500 specialists from 19 countries, by providing simultaneous interpretation services.