Janus’ Quality Management System Successfully Undergoes Recertification
In February, Janus successfully underwent a recertification audit that confirmed that the company’s quality management system fully complies with ISO 9001:2008.
The audit was carried out by specialists from TÜV SÜD Management Service. During their discussion with Janus, these specialists learned about how our operations are structured throughout various departments within the company, the steps employees take to optimise operations, the software and other tools that are used on a daily basis, and the results most recently achieved by the company.
In addition, the certification representatives from TÜV SÜD checked the company’s quality management system documentation to ensure that it complies with the standard and with actual practice, discovered changes that had been made within the company, and ascertained how customer satisfaction is monitored and what actions are under way to further improve the system. At the end of the audit, no instances of non-compliance were found and the quality certificate was successfully approved.
All Janus operations comply fully with ISO 9001:2008, which guarantees that high-quality services are being provided. Janus never stands still and is constantly developing. The company has set itself some ambitious new goals and continues to work on improving all aspects of its operations. Perfection has no limits, and so ongoing improvement will always be one of our most important corporate values.